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Automated Assessment Case Study - BrainFx
BrainFx Virtual Care Assessment using SurveyMonkey and ReportGorilla
Being able to continue delivering essential care in the era of social distancing and lockdown demands tools that are specifically designed for virtual care. They need to be administered in a standardized manner and deliver clinically useful results. BrainFx teamed up with ReportGorilla to create a remote assessment solution for clinicians using video interviews, a SurveyMonkey survey and advanced reporting. Read more
Smart NPS Analysis - how to take the next step
How to gain more insights about NPS and make actions more effective
When you are designing a survey, report previews are like fast forwarding to the future. What will my reports look like? Is this really what you or the customer needs?
Previews are the survey equivalent of using Google Earth to look up where you are going so you know what to expect when you get there.
Previews provide advance warning of potential problems and help improve survey design before collecting any data, so you can get it right first time. More about Report Previews ... -
The key to a great story is not who, or what, or when, but WHY. So too with surveys. The key to an effective survey is being clear about its purpose.
It's easy to get caught up in the minutia of a survey: Is the spelling OK? Does it look OK on mobile? Who should the invitation come from?
Surveys are a means to an end rather than an end in themselves. To make an effective survey, we need to look beyond the survey itself. Read more about Effective Surveys